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The Looming Trade War With China | ||
China might do "the unthinkable" and devalue the remnimbi which would further widen the trade deficits, exacerbate global imbalances, and increase the present rate of inflation.By MIKE WHITNEY March 27, 2010 Counterpunch A war of words has broken out between China and the United States and the pundits are predicting that it will end in a full-blown trade war. The Obama administration thinks that China is manipulating its currency to gain an unfair trade advantage and increase its exports.
China's Premier Wen Jiabao's adamantly denies the charge. "I do not think the renminbi is undervalued" he says. "And we are opposed to countries pointing fingers at each other or taking strong measures to force other countries to appreciate their currencies....If the United States uses the exchange rate to start a new trade war, China will be hurt. But the American people and US companies will be hurt even more."
President Obama has tried a number of things to get China to break the dollar-link and let its currency appreciate, but, so far, nothing has worked. The president met with Tibet's Dalai Lama, in an attempt to publicly embarrass Premier Wen so that he'd rethink his exchange-rate policy. But the meeting only angered China and further strained relations between the two trade giants. The administration also announced plans to sell high-tech weapons to Taiwan, knowing the transaction would ruffle feathers in Beijing. China threatened to retaliate, but refused to budge on the central issue.
This week, a bipartisan group of senators joined the fray by introducing legislation that will require the president to take "reciprocal action" against any "country that uses its foreign exchange policy as a countervailing subsidy." The bill is clearly aimed at China and increases the likelihood that Obama will be forced to put punitive tariffs on Chinese products and start a trade war with America's biggest creditor. But will it really happen?
There's no question that the renminbi is undervalued or that China manipulates its currency. The dollar-peg allows China to underbid US manufacturers on every product by slashing the value of its currency. The practice amounts to a direct subsidy to Chinese industry and costs the US dearly in terms of exports and jobs. But the current flap has nothing to do with currency manipulation. That's just a public relations smokescreen. What's really going on is that US corporations operating in China are getting squeezed on big deals, and they don't like it. So they're using their political muscle to beat up on China. The Wall Street Journal explains it like this:
To summarize: The multinationals see a "deteriorating investment environment" because of "rules on indigenous innovation." In other words, China's leaders want to strengthen their own industries and keep more of the profits for themselves (which is what governments are supposed to do.) The proposed rules will affect "dozens of products sold by foreign companies, including servers, mobile base stations, security and finance software, and wind-power generators." So, naturally, the multinationals are angry. The Chinese government is "implementing their own preferential purchasing practices", which means they are buying more China-made products. This is causing real pain for the multinationals that are "already taking a hit."
So the current confrontation has nothing to do with currency manipulation. It's about whiny corporations that need the Uncle Sam's help to get China to play fair. And the White House is only too happy to oblige. After all, Obama task is to make sure that the rules which enrich the multinationals ("free trade") are strictly enforced. Sometimes that involves tough talk and arm twisting, but no one wants a trade war. Protectionism is bad for business; it pushes prices up, lowers demand, and hurts profits. What good is that? Here's an excerpt from the Washington Post which explains what's really going on behind the splashy headlines:
Read that again. "American companies.... account for more than 60 percent of China's exports to the United States." So, the reason unemployment is rising in the US, is because US-owned corporations are diverting those jobs to sweatshops in China so they can fatten the bottom line. China is not to blame, after all.
At the same time, the profits for the host-nation (China) are a measly 1.7 percent; hardly enough to make it worth their while. The multinationals are making the windfall, not China.
Does anyone seriously believe that the corporations would slit their own throat by starting a trade war?
Consider this: Maybe China's "currency manipulation" policy was just one of the many preconditions demanded by foreign corporations before they relocated to China. Naturally they would want to ensure that they'd have an advantage over the competition regardless of the costs to China or workers in America. In other words, the multinationals are probably the driving force behind the exchange rate.
Here's an excerpt from the American Prospect:
Bartholomew's article is a good summary of the problems with globalization, but it places too much blame on China and too little on the corporations that are shaping policy. China's newfound prosperity has less to do with its own innate ability to beat the competition, than it does with the machinations of capitalism and its never-ending search for lower production costs through cheap labor. That said, China still faces stiff headwinds ahead even if a trade war doesn't break out. Here's a clip from China Daily which states that the Chinese government now anticipate a trade DEFICIT for March:
But is it true or just a hoax to avoid a trade war? According to the World Bank, China's GDP will soar to 9.5 percent in 2010. So it could be that China's economy really is overheating and inflation is becoming a problem. The situation may be further aggravated by the dollar-peg which keeps rates fixed to the Fed's zero-interest rates. Here's how economist Marshall Auerback explains what is going on:
China's economy is dangerously off-kilter and headed for a reckoning. The current rate of investment is over 50 per cent and rising. That's clearly unsustainable. By focusing on real estate and exports, China has failed to create strong domestic demand; personal consumption needs to increase and investment needs to slow. But that will take time, and now the situation is dire. If exports collapse because of a stronger currency, China might do "the unthinkable" (as Auerback suggests) and devalue the remnimbi which would further widen the trade deficits, exacerbate global imbalances, and increase the present rate of inflation. That would force Obama to step in and take decisive action whether he wants to or not. Perhaps a full-blown trade war is not so far fetched, after all.
Mike Whitney lives in Washington state. He can be reached at
This week, a bipartisan group of senators joined the fray by introducing legislation that will require the president to take "reciprocal action" against any "country that uses its foreign exchange policy as a countervailing subsidy
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