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World Ready to Grill West For Supplying Nuclear Weapons to Israel | ||
Unless he or she is a small kid, pretending that something is not there, really doesn’t make it go away.
May 03, 2010 (Hamsayeh.Net) - The 2010 UN nuclear conference to review the Non-Proliferation Treaty of nuclear weapons is due to open today at UN Headquarters in New York.
People around the world anxiously wait to hear progressive leaders address some of the illegal activities committed by the United States, France and the UK in the past several decades for practically handing over nuclear weapons to Israel in direct violations of the Non-Proliferation Safeguards.
Did other officially designated nuclear weapons states transfer nuclear weapons over to smaller states? So how is it that the United States government and its Western allies claim the world must stop nuclear transfers from now. What about past nuclear weapons transfers to Israeli regime by the United States, France and the UK? How did they pour nuclear arms to that small, environmentally delicate Mediterranean-setting and historically important region? These are some of the questions people are asking.
The Eastern Mediterranean coast isn’t like remote regions such as Siberia or Gobi Desert where some could play around with dangerous things like nuclear weapons. Unless he or she is a small kid, pretending that something is not there, really doesn’t make it go away. So the US trying to change the topic of discussion at today's UN conference, which is to know how the United States, France and the UK evaded NPT safeguards by arming Israel with nuclear weapons, is not going to make this fact go away.
There may be several possible answers that any of the three could give to international community during this conference. One, they did it because nobody complained before. Two, they did it because they are the WWII victors; therefore they do what they think is right even if it’s against international norms. Three, they did it because they just like doing things like that, so it doesn’t matter if it’s transferring nuclear weapons or something else.
But no matter what smart explanations they try give, it is known that Western countries including the United States of America, France and the UK supplied nuclear weapons to Israel in order to turn this tiny place into a big police officer. Israel’s role was set as a facilitator in the oil rich region thus Western industrial countries could have an easier access to oil and gas.
The ancient Middle Eastern countries at the turn of the 20th century were considered too backward to know what was going on and the plan could go on for as long as possible. But now the game is over and those Western countries that had an easy time sapping energy riches of the region must come up with something new beside waging unending wars and conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and elsewhere.
Today the world would be watching Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad address global community’s concerns over Israeli nuclear weapons and how these three countries namely the US, France and the UK armed Tel-Aviv with nuclear weapons against Non-Proliferation Treaty safeguards.
Today the world would be watching Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad address global community’s concerns over Israeli nuclear weapons
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