It is time we cut down the rhetoric and faced reality vis a vis Iran and the Muslim world. If we don't, and we keep letting the "vaunted Mossad" nonsense propel us into war.
SAM HAMOD Alternative News August 2010
If America or Israel attacks Iran, the world will explode. The Chinese will not tolerate it, nor will the Russians, both of whom make billions of dollars and have even more invested in Iran.
Unfortunately, America and the rest of the world is beset with as many deceptive lies as were used before and during the invasion of Iraq, even though Iraq was defenseless because of a U.S. air and sea blockade, had nothing to do with 9/11 and all the experts in the world knew that Iraq had no nuclear weapons, no stockpiles of poison gas and was no threat to the U.S. or Israel. These same kinds of lies are being used once again against Iran,against Hezbullah, and against anyone who speaks against Israel or wishes to stop an attack on Iran-- an attack that would make the Iraqi situation seem mild by comparison to the Iranian response.
It was clear, as it is clear today, from the IAEA to other inspectors from around the world, that Iran has no atomic weapons, and even Israeli experts say they are at least 10 years away at best from developing any weapons. All this, while America and Israel focus on Iran with lies, and Israel has over 300 nuclear weapons and the U.S. has thousands.
There is something peculiar about the logic and data in this situation. I am not making a brief for Iran, but I am saying that America is treading foolishly on shaky ground, just as it did when it believed the zionist neo-cons who led us into a wrongful war in Iraq and an endless, and unwinnable war, in Afghanistan.
It is time for America and the world to look at facts, not Israeli and neo-con propaganda; if not, then we shall reap the whirlwind once again, as we are failing and being destroyed along with our human sacrifices, American, Iraqi, Afghan, our democracy and our economy while the war party and Israel gloats at our continuing commitment to endless and unwinnable wars against Islamic countries. In truth, Israel and America have nothing to fear from Islamic countries unless we continue our brutal imperialistic behavior. It is time we woke up; otherwise, we will meet with more disasters, and even as some Christian ministers are beginning to say aloud, "If you don't heed the lessons from the Bible, ye shall pay the price of pride and arrogance and it will lead to your destruction." They see the fallacy of following Israel into our own destruction, led by zionist and neo cons in the Congress and those surrounding President Obama.
Iranians are not unsophisticated militarily; they have been in wars since 5000 B C and have won most of them. Not only that, but as I reported several years back, the Iranians would block the Straits of Hormuz, and the Chinese also sold Iran the "Sunbeam" missile, which is mach 2 missile that can be used to destroy aircraft carriers of the type of we have in the Persian Gulf as our main "threat weapon." Thus, we would be victimized if Israel dared to attack Iran; that is why Admiral Mullen made clear to Obama and Israel that an attack on Iran would be a disaster for America and American troops in the region. What he didn't say, but I am sure is in his mind, it would be a disaster for Americans and American troops anywhere in the Muslim world because the Muslim man-in-the-street would explode with anger at not only the U.S. and Israel but against their own governments if their governments did not stand up against the U.S. and Israel.
Thus, as a lover of peace, I think it is good that we understand the consequences of such a foolish attack on Iran by Israel or the US. If Israel does attack, even with or without American permission, America will be the bigger loser in the end because Israel will survive, but American interests everywhere in the Muslim world most likely be attacked. I don't want to see this, for the sake of America, Americans or the Islamic world, but unfortunately, Israel has shown time and again that it could care less.
It is time we cut down the rhetoric and faced reality vis a vis Iran and the Muslim world. If we don't, and we keep letting the "vaunted Mossad" nonsense propel us into war, or allow Israel to get us blamed for an attack on Iran, then we will have once again been played the fool by Israel.
Sam Hamod, ph.d, writes on a variety of subjects for ezines all over the world. He is one of the few American writers who has called the Afghan and Iraq wars "mistakes" from their beginnings.
He is reprinting Wm. Blum's article on the Iran situation with hopes that others will read these two articles and see the reality, not the American media myth that has led us down the path to disaster and to the loss of so many lives in the world, and the destruction of our democracy and our economy.

Iran enjoys a historic command over the Straight of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf,
this most important artery for the global economy.
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