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November 25, 2010 |
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Quote of the day : US economy is now fully dependent on a combination of psychological/military show offs to tell the world that 'Yes, Here I am ', thus hoping to maintain the status of its dollar as an international currency for another day. WEARING A VELVET GLOVE WHILE EXTENDING A HAND MADE OF CAST IRON IS NOT AN OFFER THAT A WISE PERSON SHOULD ACCEPT. THEREFORE, THE US MUST SHOW GOODWILL IN PRACTICE RATHER THAN RESORTING TO EMPTY SLOGANS.
THE US CAPITALISM WHILE CLAIMING VICTORY OF FREE MARKET IDEOLOGY OVER ALL OTHERS, PROVIDES SOCIAL COVERAGE AND BAILOUTS FOR THE RICH AT THE EXPENSE OF THE POOR. We will be happy to receive comments and suggestions from our valued readers. To help us improve our site. You can forward your emails to
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